How Do You Financially Prepare For An Upcoming Recession

One of the best ways to protect your finances during an upheaval is to prepare financially for the unexpected. 

Here are some ways to do this: Budgeting during a recession, building an emergency fund, and avoiding high-interest credit card debt. You may also want to consider refinancing or consolidating your debt to reduce monthly bills. 

Taking the time to prepare yourself now will help you avoid unexpected expenses and keep you out of debt during a recession.

Budgeting During A Recession

A recession can wreak havoc on the finances of a family, but there are ways to keep costs down and still enjoy life. One way to save is to make your expenses more flexible.

Adjust your budgeting period to a monthly, quarterly, or even yearly basis, depending on your situation. You may also want to cut out entertainment costs, such as paying for tickets to a show. 

If you have to pay for multiple family members to fly, consider driving instead. Taking this approach could save you over $1000 over the next 12 months.

Although most recessions return to normal within a year or two, the extreme downturns can last decades. These recessions change consumer behavior profoundly, with many consumers shifting their spending habits to account for lower incomes. 

People who suffered through the Great Depression or the stagnant Japanese economy learned that even during tough times, consumers must remain cautious when it comes to their spending habits. While the recession is certainly not the end of the world, it does create a greater awareness of how much you need to buy.

A recession forces us to make some adjustments to our finances. During a recession, we tend to spend more than we have, and a few dollars saved each week can help you survive. 

You can set a goal for yourself this month to save $5 a week. Once you reach that goal, you can continue doing so until the recession is over. Small wins can help you develop good financial habits that will benefit you when you come out of the recession stronger.

If you have high debt levels, the tough times may last longer than you expected. You may need to cut your lifestyle to pay off debts, and if your income is low, you may have to increase your income. 

You should also begin a savings account. This way, if you haven't done so yet, you won't have to worry about the unexpected. However, if you're older, you could end up losing your job during the recession and your retirement portfolio may suffer.

Building An Emergency Fund

One of the best ways to prepare yourself for a possible recession is to build a rainy-day fund. This fund can be created by reducing the amount of spending you do on luxuries like travel, entertainment, and food delivery. 

It can also be built by holding off on big purchases and focusing on needs over wants. When the economy tanks, an emergency fund will protect you from falling into debt or being behind on bills.

In uncertain times, financial experts recommend a three-month runway. This means having enough money to pay for three months of expenses. In a recession, you should have at least double that amount of money saved. 

In the Great Recession, people lost jobs for up to six months before finding another job. With that kind of time, you need to be ready. Even if you are still employed, building an emergency fund is a good idea.

To avoid getting into debt in times of a recession, start saving for your emergency fund today. Most financial experts recommend saving three to six months of living expenses. 

If you are not yet comfortable with this amount, set a small goal to save at least $1,000 a month. This money will also come in handy for other goals. Ultimately, it is a good idea to build a larger emergency fund if you expect the recession to last for a long time.

Besides building an emergency fund, you should also start to pay off other debts. Credit card debt, for example, can take a huge chunk of your income, so you should pay it off as soon as possible. 

You should also consolidate your debts to get lower interest rates. Then, use the savings to pay off the debt. As long as you can afford to pay off debt, your savings will increase in time.

A recession is a scary thought. It can make people panic, but fortunately, there are a few things that you can do right now to prepare for an upcoming recession. 
While you can't build a bunker, stuff cash under your mattress, or buy tinfoil hats, you can at least prepare yourself for a time when recession strikes. If the recession hits soon, you can react before the situation even worsens.

Avoiding High-Interest Credit Card Debt

During a recession, you may not be able to keep up with your payments, but you can take steps to avoid getting into debt by using the strategies listed below.

You can reduce your monthly spending, make extra payments on credit cards, and avoid putting yourself into debt by setting up a savings account. Even if you have high-interest credit card debt, it can still hurt your finances.

One way to avoid high-interest credit card debt is to use balance-transfer credit cards. These cards come with a 0% introductory annual percentage rate for nine to 18 months. 

Once the promotional period is over, you'll be charged a standard interest rate. You can avoid this by paying off high-interest credit cards early, and you can save a significant amount of money in the process.

While it is tempting to spend as much as you can, you should be aware of the negative effects that this move may have on your finances. 

If you have a stable job, avoiding debt is better than letting it pile up. You'll end up in a situation where you can't make your payments on time. But if you can't afford to do so, you can always use your savings.

Before a recession hits, it's vital to have an emergency fund that can cover three to six months of your expenses. Additionally, you should try to have a nest egg for retirement. 

If you don't have an emergency fund, you should set a goal of saving up $18,000 to cover your basic expenses. This way, you'll be able to avoid the craziest payday loans and enjoy financial peace of mind.

Refinancing Or Consolidating Debt To Reduce Monthly Bills

If you're looking to lower your monthly bills, refinancing or consolidating your debt may be a good option. For example, a mortgage refinance can reduce your monthly payments by as much as $603 per month. 

A debt consolidation loan will lower your payments by another $228 a month. Lower monthly bills are better for your financial future than high monthly bills. And the longer the term of your loan, the less interest you'll pay per month.

If you don't own a home, your best bet is debt consolidation, which can help you lower your monthly bills. But this approach may not be right for you if your interest rate is higher than the current one. 

Another disadvantage of consolidation is the fees involved. Those fees can wipe out any savings you'd have received. And, of course, debt consolidation isn't a magic solution for a recession. In addition, it's not a substitute for budgeting and making your payments on time.

While you may want to reduce your monthly bills before a recession hits, you should also consider holding on to your cash. When a recession hits, many people lose their jobs, and lenders are more cautious about lending money. 

This spiral of debt will eventually end in painful consequences for people who are in debt. These individuals may be forced to drastically cut down their lifestyles. They may have to choose between paying their mortgage or their power bill.

Debt consolidation may be a good solution for people with good credit. By combining multiple debts into one, manageable payment, they'll save money in the long run. 

And if you have good credit, debt consolidation may be a smart option to reduce your monthly bills in advance of an upcoming recession. And remember, this debt consolidation process won't work for everyone. If you're already in the thick of a debt snowball, it may not be the best option for you.


While it may be difficult to think about the future during uncertain times, preparing yourself financially is one of the best things you can do for your peace of mind. 

Follow our tips for budgeting, building an emergency fund, and avoiding high-interest credit card debt and you’ll be in a much better position when hard times hit. 

And if you need more help getting your finances in order, check out our online freelancing course. With this course, you can learn how to start making money on your own terms – even if you’re struggling with debt. Preparing yourself now will give you the tools you need to weather any storm.